Orson is the unseen, only heard, supervisor of Mork and his go between to the Orkan Elder's Council on Ork. He 'appears' for Mork's reports in most episodes of the Show, along with seven episodes of The Mork & Mindy/Laverne & Shirley/Fonz Hour cartoon series on ABC-TV. The part of Orson was voiced on both series by Ralph James.
Character Summary[]
Orson is a senior, and quite powerful Orkan who is in effect, Mork's Boss.
From Orson's silhouette (only seen in The Pilot) and Mork's consistent jokes and teasing it is clear that Orson is an extremely large, very fat Orkan. As it is not clear what Orson actually looks like age-wise, the assumption is (after it's revealed that Orkans age backwards - Putting the Ork Back in Mork) that despite his size he actually looks younger (and is therefore older) than Mork. His consistent attempts for Mork to grow up and act more like he himself, would seem to back this up, specifically after Mork has his first birthday (Mork Runs Down).
A senior 'officer' in the Orkan Exploratory Service that Mork is a pilot for, from the outset it is clear that Orson has 'put up' with Mork's un Orkan behaviors for some time. And his weary and vaguely irritated reaction to how Mork acts around him is clear from the outset. In addition, in Orson informing Mork that he is to be sent to Earth as Ork's Observer, there is the suspicion that it is being done in part to get Mork out from under his and his superior's feet. This is further highlighted in Orson's constant promptings for Mork to grow up,
Orson reports to the Orkan Elder's Council (Mork Moves In) delivering Mork's reports to them.
An incredibly powerful being with huge, and far reaching telekinetic powers, He his able to 'punish' Mork for transgressions via mental shocks (Limited Engagement), a mental firing squad; physical metamorphosis (The Wedding), burning at the stake (I Don't Remember Mama) and can manifest his displeasure as far as Earth, in the form of lightning strikes (Limited Engagement / P.S. 2001).
While Orson gets increasingly tired of Mork's reports revolving around his family, and Mindy in particular, Mork's report on his and Mindy's marriage, which he submits in his effort to get promotion, affects Orson enough for him to grant Mork promotion to Master Sergeant (The Mork Report)
An archetypal Orkan, Orson is a fiercely proud paragon of Orkan behavior, including, ostensibly, their emotionless attitude. Frequently warning Mork about the dangers of 'feelings' and getting involved with those who have emotions. However, much like Mork himself, Orson betrays flashes of emotions from the outset, notably irritation, annoyance and anger with Mork, but also concern and, over time, displays caring, and is occasionally moved, even to tears.
Mork's exposure to emotions and gradual transformation definitely has effects on Orson by turn (much as it does on Xerko and The Elder), However, he remains, in general, very confused at how humans behave, interact, manage to survive as a species in such an individualized manner, and why they fight and not hide like Orkans do.
While Orson remains, a mostly benign recipient of Mork's reports and experiences, his personality runs along a spectrum His mood often largely dictated by what Mork is either going through or putting him through at that point. As such he can move from protagonist and ally of Mork, actively showing concern for his charge, to antagonist, angered by Mork's actions, and either blocking him or acting in a punitive manner.
As Protagonist/Ally of Mork[]
Despite Orson's repeated warnings to Mork about his increasingly emotive interactions with Mindy, warning him that emotions are dangerous for him, and his need to keep a barrier between himself and Mindy (Mork Moves In / Mork in Love / Mork's Seduction), when Mork succumbs to his feelings, and breaches 'The Highest Orkan Law', by completely opening the door to his Emotions (Mork's Mixed Emotions), Orson reacts unexpectedly. Despite Mork confessing in full, rather than turning Mork in, as he is bound to do under Orkan law, Orson openly pretends that he knows nothing about what Mork has done / as if there is nothing to report, and allows Mork to go free.

Afraid he's messing Mindy's life up, Mork asks Orson to bring him home.
This change in Mork has some knock on effects on Orson, especially in his attitude to Mork leaving Earth.. Initially, prior to Mork opening himself to his emotions, when Mork is concerned that his attachment to Mindy is getting so strong that his inevitable transfer will be hard for him to bear (though in fact it is he that will find it hard to leave her), he requests that Orson transfer him, which Orson agrees to supporting Mork in whatever decision he makes (Mork Goes Erk). However after Mork has reconciled himself to his emotions when Mork decides that he is bad for Mindy and her family and asks Orson to return him to Ork, it is Orson that convinces him otherwise. Wanting him to stay and continue his reports, Orson feels he's being hard on himself and asks Mork to be sure, submit himself to the Plasma Essence Reversifier, which allows Mork to see what Mindy's life would have been like if he'd never arrived. Mork reversing his decision as a direct result of what he sees (It's A Wonderful Mork).

Mork and Mindy look for help for Mork from Orson
When Mork starts to shrink into insignificance after ingesting Mindy's head cold medication, Orson attempts to help him find a way to reverse the process, and on his return from the Mirth Universe, then gently tries to understand what it is Mork is going through after the death of Mandy (Mork in Wonderland). He warns Mork about the oncoming presence of the Necrotons to Earth (Mork Vs. the Necrotons). Likewise it is Orson who attempts to help when Mork starts to act more and more like an Earthling, it is Orson who identifies the problem as Observer Syndrome, and intercedes on his behalf for The Elder to visit Earth to try and restore him and avoid his having to be brought back to Ork and permanently ostracized.
As Antagonist[]

Orson takes steps to deal with a rebellious Mork.
Despite allowing Mork to access and retain his emotions, without reporting him for a breach of the Highest of Orkan Laws, when Mork comes to him and tells him that he has proposed to Mindy and they are getting married, it's a step too far for Orson who outright forbids it. Citing the fact that Marriage is illegal on Ork, no one on Ork having married since the Dark Ages and the law against it is one of Ork's must fundamental tenets. When Mork stands up to him, he refuses to let Mork resign his post to marry Mindy, threatens him until he agrees not to marry her, and then warns him if he reneges on his agreement, he will turn him into a species that will be more inclined to obey orders. When Mork reneges straight away and proceeds with his plans to marry Mindy, Mork follows through on his threat. And on the day of their wedding turns Mork into a sheepdog, until Mindy's defiant intervention changes his mind.

Orson wipes Mork's Mind
Later, after Mearth is born, and Mork's attentions are diverted from his work by his wife and son, Orson reacts angrily at his Observers lack of attention to his work, and orders Mork to set them aside and just get on with his job. When Mork refuses, and stands up to him telling him he will never forget his family, Orson ensures he does by completely wiping Mork's mind of all but the most basic experience of his time on Earth.
Mork and Orson's relationship veers between spiky one minute and genuine fondness throughout. Not least because of Mork himself veering between recognizing Orson's wisdom and position one minute and showing very little respect for Orson's girth. But Orson shows concern for Mork's welfare throughout, and in some ways Orson is the closest thing Mork has to an Orkan father figure, and ultimately this is shown in how he (and Mindy) ask him to be Mearth's godfather, and how Orson is both touched and proud to be asked to be something that is definitely not Orkan.
Despite his repeated stated weariness of hearing Mork talk about Mindy, by the time Mork seeks out his promotion ("The Mork Report"), it is shown pretty clearly that Orson has also gained emotions. Ultimately very touched and almost moved to tears by how Mork talks about her, and how important she is to him, and that she 'makes me feel like I matter in this vast lonely universe'. to the point where his voice is filled with genuine emotion, prior to immediately awarding Mork his promotion (over and above what Mork expects) to Master Sergeant.
Prior to their actually meeting, Orson and Mindy could already be said to regard each other, via their experiences with Mork, with a certain level of antipathy. Orson regarding Mindy's influence on Mork as dangerous, right from the outset. While Mindy regards him as a 'fat fascist' in how he treats Mork (Mork Goes ERK)

Going to meet Orson for the first time.
Orson and Mindy do not actually come 'face to face' until Mork contracts Observer Syndrome (Putting the Ork back in Mork) and, having lost much of his Orkan-ness including his language skills, needs Mindy's help to explain to Orson what's going on. On seeing her in his mind he is less than pleased, regarding it as completely irregular. Mindy, on seeing Orson's actual size and hearing his booming demanding tone, gets a little of what Mork has been subjected to, and finds herself intimidated by him. While Orson feels that it is in part her fault (as does she) that Mork has contracted the Syndrome in the first place, in trying to get him to fit in more as a human.

Making Mork's Report
They meet face to face a relatively short time later, when, after she and Mork overcome a serious hurdle in their relationship caused by her burgeoning career (Mindy and Mork). Orson surprised when Mindy turns up to give Mork's report about the difficulties she and Mork faced in their relationship. Mindy surprised, and curious to hear that Mork has been talking to Orson about their relationship and wanting to know what he said about the two of them. Orson refusing to tell her. When she gives the report, around how two people in a relationship have to deal with changes, difficulties and forks in the road together, or go their separate ways, she nervously checks with Orson how she did. Orson grudgingly admitting she did alright. For a human. But warning her not to get cocky on suggesting they could do it again sometime.

Facing down a vengeful boss
That grudging respect grows after Mindy travels once more with Mork into his mind on the day of their wedding, after discovering that Orson is punishing Mork for standing up to him on marrying her, by turning him into a dog. Orson (ironically) dogmatic on the matter, when Mindy finds she can't reason with him, she gets angry at his intransigence, and stands up to him. Telling him that no matter what he's done to Mork she still loves him and he's not going to stop her marrying him. Genuinely stunned to hear that she would be willing to marry a lower life form, a dog. She tells him straight up she's not marrying a dog, she's marrying Mork, and storms off. Leaving Orson admiring her as 'spunky little alien'. Ultimately that admiration in her determination results in Orson relenting, and restoring Mork. (A deleted line from The Wedding shooting script which didn't make it past the episode edit had Mork telling Mindy that her intervention made Orson feel guilty about how he treated Mork, resulting in his being transformed back AND his footing the bill for their Honeymoon on Ork.)

Coffee with Orson
Mindy's gratitude to Orson for what turns out to be a very enjoyable honeymoon (after a rocky start) on Ork, helps to increase a mutual regard. Evinced by her agreeing with Mork to ask Orson if he will be Mearth's Godfather. While Orson in turn begins to learn the value of Mindy, when using her to work around an intransigent Mork, summoning her alone for the first time into Mork's mind to speak to her privately about Mearth's future schooling on Ork. Orson's mood spectrum swinging wildly from affable to demanding, throughout, to Mindy's bemusement.
Episodes where Orson Contacts Mork[]
In some episodes Orson contacts or attempts to contact Mork (or on one occasion Mindy) without recourse to Mork making his report...these are: