Mork and Mindy Wiki

Mr. Caruthers is the pompous, prissy Principal of Mt. Mount, the High School that Mindy and Mork attend in Boulder, CO, in the Animated Series. He is voiced by Stan Jones.

About Mr. Caruthers[]

Mr. Caruthers, lives in Boulder in a house not dissimilar to the McConnell's. He is married with a red haired daughter of about 7 named Louise.

He heads up the teaching faculty at the High School, where he runs a tight ship not liking disruptive elements. Always immaculately dressed, sporting a high collar and bow tie with his suit, he likes his school as tidy as he is himself. Alternately pleasant and pompous, he also has quite a temper, turning him red faced and bringing forth a pronounced bellow.

Mindy is among his most favorite students, Mork however definitely one of the thorns in his side. The Orkan is always on his watch list, and the subject of frequent warnings about his behavior, including finally a demand to see his parents after a particularly disruptive period, which leads to a problem for Mork.

He is however even handed in his treatment. Hamilton, being from a rich and influential family, would ostensibly be one of his more favored among the student body. However Hamilton's obsessive hatred and jealousy of Mork, because of Mindy's affection for him, and the 'crazy' assertions and actions he gets up to because of it, often means that Caruthers bawls him out as badly as he does Mork.

