Eugene is a 10-year-old neighborhood kid who goes, relatively reluctantly, to to the McConnell's Music Store for violin lessons, from Cora Hudson, Mindy’s grandmother, where he quickly befriends Mork. He appears in 10 episodes through Season 1 and was portrayed by Jeffrey Jacquet.
Eugene is a 10 year old (Old Fears) local kid who lives in Boulder with his parents, and attends music lessons in the violin at the McConnell's Music Store with Cora. While he enjoys hanging out there, often getting odd jobs from Mindy and Fred to earn extra pocket money, and enjoys a good give and take with Cora he is often reluctant around his lessons, his pet turtle 'somehow' finding its way inside the instrument (Mork Runs Down)
In the course of his time at the store he encounters Mork very early into his arrival on Earth, becoming the Orkan's 'Main Munchkin', and developing an elaborate personalized handshake with Mork based off the initial Orkan handshake (The Pilot) Acting as Eugene's babysitter becomes Mork's first job on Earth, and the two of them spend a lot of time learning from each other.
When Mork, upset, feeling he making a mess of Mindy's life, decides to run away, Eugene is the only one he tells, getting advice from Eugene on how far he can get on the pittance he's saved, and ultimately sending him to a flop house on Skid Row (where he'll fatefully meet Exidor) (Mork Runs Away)
Eugene helps teach Mork about Christmas, and warns him that Susan Taylor is one seriously vacuous lady who has no real idea about what Christmas is. He then goes with Mork to help him face his first Christmas shopping season, coaxing a panicked Mork out from underneath sales table in the mayhem (Mork's First Christmas).
When Eugene decides to run away from Mindy's apartment...Mork helps to facilitate his desire to emancipate himself from, what Eugene thinks, is his overbearing mother, and offers to marry Eugene and his 'girlfriend' Holly (Young Love) as Mork is the Captain of his own ship. Only for Mindy to inform him they are too young to get married, and their parents give them boundaries for their own safety and so they can learn.
Eugene plays an important part in Mork's argument with Mindy about the necessity of Emotions, Eugene refusing to cry at the death of his pet lizard. saying his father told him big boys don't cry, leaving Mork making a pointed note of humans suppressing emotions to Mindy, despite her saying she's seen him cry, and in part leading to Mork's decision to shut off his gradually emerging emotions (Mork's Mixed Emotions)
Eugene is a super bright, outgoing, outspoken, sparky kid, with a lot of imitative and drive taking odd jobs at the store, and around town (e.g. delivering Christmas trees) with a knowing attitude and enjoys hanging out with Mork because he deals with him as an equal and speaks to him at an adult level, though often reminds Mork that he's only 10 and doesn't know everything.
He never actually finds out Mork's secret, but comes close once, when he walks in to Mindy's apartment, on Mork blow drying his hair with his finger, but is distracted by his imminent 'marriage' and doesn't think on it too closely.
Mother: 31 years of age, who makes him eat liver, drink milk, take showers, and all the things kids hate to do, but need to do to.
Cousin: Older married.